Special Issue -- 100th anniversary of professor V. P. Taranenko: Microwave Electronics
100th anniversary of professor V. P. Taranenko: Microwave Electronics
Radioelectronics and Communications Systems, ISSN 1934-8061 (Online), ISSN 0735-2727 (Print) is a monthly peer-reviewed international scientific journal on electrical engineering, electronic engineering, and electronics. It is English version of the journal Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Radioelektronika, ISSN 2307-6011 (Online), ISSN 0021-3470 (Print). The journal is indexed in SCOPUS, INSPEC, Google Scholar, CNKI, EBSCO Discovery Service, EI Compendex, Gale, Gale Academic OneFile, Gale InfoTrac, INIS Atomindex, OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service, ProQuest Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database, ProQuest SciTech Premium Collection, ProQuest Technology Collection, ProQuest-ExLibris Primo, ProQuest-ExLibris Summon, VINITI, RSCI. Сites per Doc. = 0.8 (Cites per Doc. (2y) = Impact Factor WoS, 2019). SJR = 0.21, Q3, SNIP = 0.51 (Scopus, 2019).
100th anniversary of professor V. P. Taranenko
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