Journal is indexed in Scopus
Microwave Electronics
Vol. 67 No. 3 (2024)100th anniversary of professor V. P. Taranenko
- Oleg Drobakhin
- Oleksiy Kuleshov
- Mykhailo Omelianenko
Online first articles
"Online first article" is an article which has been reviewed and accepted but has not been copyedited and formatted. Thus, it has not yet appeared in a regular issue of the journal. Each article persists as Online First Article only until the article is published in the final version. Copyediting may lead to minor differences between the Online First Article version and the final version.
Online First Articles are citable, although the final published article is preferred for citation, if available.
Applied Electromagnetics Problems
Vol. 66 No. 9 (2023)Special issue based on materials of Ukrainian Microwave Week (UkrMW 2022)
6G System Technologies
Vol. 66 No. 5 (2023)Special issue.
Guest editor A. Kumar, JECRC University, India -
5G System Technologies
Vol. 66 No. 3 (2023)Special issue.
Guest editor A. Kumar, JECRC University, India -
Vol. 65 No. 11 (2022)Special issue based on materials of ELNANO 2022
Vol. 65 No. 7 (2022)
Contents No. 7, 2023, Vol. 65 download (pdf, 21 kb)