Estimation of stochastic processes with random structure and Markov switches in discrete time (Review)
random structure, dynamic structure, mixed Markov process, filtration algorithm, a posteriori probability density, two-step algorithm, interpolation algorithm, filtering and segmentation of imagesAbstract
The review of algorithms of estimation of stochastic processes with random structure and Markov switch obtained on a basis of mathematic tool of mixed Markov processes in discrete time is represented. It is shown that Markov property including continuous valued process with random structure in discrete time and Markov chain controlling its structure modification. There are considered recurrent optimal and quasi-optimal filtering algorithms describing the evolution of a posteriori probability density of the mixed process. Adaptive filters belong to devices class with feedbacks between channels. There is represented Bayesian decision rule for definition of the estimations of discrete and continuous components which are mutually coupled. There are considered recurrent optimal interpolation algorithms: at the fixed point, in the fixed interval and with constant delay and their analysis is carried out. There are represented examples of application of considered estimation algorithms for solution of applicable problems. There are considered two-step algorithms of mutual filtering and segmentation of textural images allowing to preserve computational advantages of single-dimension algorithms of estimation of the processes with random structure and adequate to digital devices with parallel architecture.References
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