S-shaped metamaterial ultra-wideband directive patch antenna
antenna, metamaterial, MTM, negative index material, negative refraction, RMPA, DNG, HFSS, MNGAbstract
Antenna parameter optimization using S-shaped metamaterial embedded in antenna substrate is elucidated in this paper. Upon incorporation of proposed metamaterial array inside the antenna substrate, the bandwidth of antenna increases by 74% and directivity by about 11%. Results obtained are in good coherence when using the FEM based Ansoft HFSS simulation and MATLAB programming based on CAD formulas using the equivalent circuit analysis of patch antenna. The evolution of ‘S-shape’ has been explained beginning from the primitive Single Split Ring Resonator’s shape. The proposed structure was fabricated and nearly 6% deviation was obtained in comparison with the simulation results. This metamaterial antenna overcomes the low bandwidth limitation of patch antenna and helps in maintaining a low profile by obtaining 81% miniaturization.References
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