Performance enhancement of rectangular microstrip patch antenna using double H shaped metamaterial
metamaterial, rectangular microstrip patch antenna, RMPA, reflection coefficientAbstract
In this paper a high performance rectangular microstrip patch antenna (RMPA) has been designed using double H shaped metamaterial. First, the double H shaped metamaterial has been designed and optimized at 5.2 GHz resonant frequency of patch antenna. It has been found that embedding of this metamaterial into the substrate beneath the reference patch antenna improves its return loss and bandwidth without changing the resonant frequency and gain. To further enhance the gain and efficiency of the metamaterial embedded RMPA a superstrate of double H shaped metamaterial has been applied at the distance of λ/3 over it. Finally, a high gain, broadband and good impedance matched metamaterial inspired RMPA has been obtained. The proposed antenna was simulated and optimized using HFSS software. The prototype antenna has been fabricated and measured results of the proposed antenna are found to be in good agreement with the simulated results.References
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