Multistage adaptive compensation of active noise interferences using block orthogonalization of signals of compensation channels
Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, computer simulation, automatic compensator, parallel-serial processing, RLS, LMSAbstract
The multistage digital automatic compensators of active noise interferences have been synthesized using the block Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization and LS-algorithm based on the least squares criterion. The specified automatic compensators ensure parallel-serial processing of signals. The application of RLS-algorithm made it possible to obtain a recurrent procedure for calculation of weighting coefficients of automatic compensator modules represented in the form of multiinput weighting adders. Statistical computer simulation was used to analyze the multistage digital automatic compensators based on the RLS-algorithm with simultaneous adaptation of weighting adders of all stages. As a result of parallelization of computational process, the synthesized multistage automatic compensators made it possible to increase the speed of processing (signal sampling frequency) by one order of magnitude and more as compared to that of automatic compensators built on single-stage scheme.References
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