Optimization of parameters of adders and barrel shifter based on emerging QCA technology
Adders, Barrel-shifter, Nano-electronics, Complexity, Computational electronicsAbstract
Compared to metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOS), the quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) offer great advantages. This paper deals with the QCA implementation of digital circuits such as full adder, multiplexer, carry-save adder, carry-select adder, carry-skip adder, and barrel shifter for robust architecture in the nanoelectronics domain. The goal is to provide a framework for optimizing QCA designs utilizing coplanar cells that is also flexible enough to be used in complicated system design. As a result of this synthesis, the new design is appropriate for the creation of nanoelectronic circuits. The QCADesigner tool was used to verify the digital circuits in the synthesized designs presented in this article. The QCA simulation environment is used to verify designs, extract parameters, and perform digital computing. The primary goal of this study is to develop a robust adder design in terms of bounded box area and other cost primitives. The coplanar method is used to construct the QCA layouts of various adders, which is more efficient and compact. The comparison results have shown that the adoption of novel digital designs offers better results and provides a more robust architecture as compared to the literature works.
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