Dual wideband circular slot antenna for C- and X-band applications
WCS, MPA, wide circular slot, slotting technique, wideband, microstrip patch antennaAbstract
The paper deals with a dual wide band micro-strip line fed compact antenna consisting of wide circular slot. The proposed antenna is designed on FR-4 dielectric material having εr = 4.3. The antenna is fed by 50 Ω microstrip line and the optimized volumetric dimension of the proposed antenna is 36×36×1.6 mm3. A wide circular slot is cut from the ground plane resulting in dual nature of antenna with the wide band of 1.23 GHz and 2.4 GHz at 5.8 GHz and 8.4 GHz of frequency which comes under the C- and X-band of electromagnetic spectrum. The design is not only procuring wide band but also a remarkable gain at both operating frequencies. At last, to validate the proposed work, the design is fabricated and further tested using vector network analyzer. The simulated and measured results are in good agreement.
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![Gain of proposed antenna at 5.8 GHz](https://radioelektronika.org/public/journals/16/submission_237922_275624_coverImage_en_US.png)