Research on ways to create THz pulse generators based on silicon IMPATT diodes


  • Andrii Bychok Research Institute Orion, Ukraine
  • Olexandr Zorenko Research Institute Orion, Ukraine
  • Dmytro Soboliev Research Institute Orion, Ukraine
  • Yevhenii Volkov Research Institute Orion, Ukraine



double-drift silicon IMPATT diode, terahertz range, local-field model of diode structure, impedance hodographs, dynamic characteristics, quartz support, microwave power, efficiency factor


The paper is devoted to considering issues related to the search for ways to create pulse power sources of the terahertz range. It presents the results of mathematical simulation of the energy and impedance characteristics of silicon impact ionization avalanche transit-time (IMPATT) diodes in the frequency range of 200–300 GHz and the elements of matching the impedance of semiconductor structure with the impedance of waveguide transmission line. Based on the calculation results, the diode structures were optimized to attain the maximum microwave power in the pulse mode. Parameters of experimental samples of silicon double-drift IMPATT diodes fabricated with due regard for the data of mathematical simulation are presented. The pulse microwave power of 0.416 W at 233 GHz with a microwave pulse duration of 35 ns has been obtained.


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Photograph of experimental terahertz generator on IMPATT diode with waveguide channel cross-section of 0.7x0.35 mm





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