Generation of electromagnetic waves based on interaction effects between moving charged particles and fields excited by them eigenmodes of waveguide and resonator structures (review)


  • Yuriy Prokopenko O. Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics of NAS of Ukraine; V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Yuriy Averkov O. Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics of NAS of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Anatoliy Dormidontov O. Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics of NAS of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine



interaction of a charged particle or beam with electrodynamic structure, Vavilov–Cherenkov effect, anomalous Doppler effect, SHF and EHF electromagnetic waves, vircator, virtod, virtod-BWT


The paper presents an overview of the authors’ scientific works, which are further developments in the scientific directions of SHF and EHF electronics, which were first developed by scientists, particularly Professor V. P. Taranenko. The possibility of propagation of weakly decaying electromagnetic waves in super dimensional electrodynamic solid-state structures, including those containing plasma-like medium, is demonstrated. Attention is paid to excitation mechanisms of eigenwaves and eigenoscillations of such structures, which are based on the Vavilov–Cherenkov effect, anomalous Doppler effect, or transient radiation. The generation of electromagnetic radiation in the interaction between the charged particle flows, and the fields of eigenwaves or eigenoscillations of such structures have been demonstrated. The possibility of mastering the millimeter and submillimeter wavelength ranges using multimode electrodynamic structures with dimensions acceptable for production is shown. Electrodynamic systems based on supercritical currents of the relativistic electron beam, such as virtod and virtod-BWT, are presented, in which the control of the amplitude-frequency characteristics of microwave radiation is implemented.


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Experimental setup of self-oscillatory system based on CDR with “whispering gallery” modes





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