Analytical-numerical study of electromagnetic scattering on small-size particles
electromagnetic scattering, discrete dipole method, asymptotic method, extinction spectrum, directional pattern, simulation resultsAbstract
The paper deals with solving the problem of electromagnetic (EM) scattering on a set of small particles using the discrete dipole method and the asymptotic approach. The commonality of approaches makes it possible to study the scattering characteristics in the subterahertz range of waves on metal and dielectric nanoparticles. In both cases, an auxiliary system of linear algebraic equations (SLAE) is solved to determine the electric field vectors, which, in the case of the asymptotic approach, has a slightly smaller dimension. The limits of applying the asymptotic approach, which depends on the norm of the auxiliary SLAE matrix, have been established. Numerical calculations demonstrate the possibility of obtaining broad extinction spectra and narrow radiation patterns (RPs).
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