Optimization of radiation characteristics of linear focusing array consisting of semitransparent mirrors
linear focusing array, quasi-optical conditions, reflection and transmission coefficients, radiation pattern, RP, variational statement, frequency radiation in GHz rangeAbstract
The paper is devoted to the optimization of the radiation characteristics of a linear focusing array, which consists of a set of semitransparent inclined elements (mirrors), an excitation source, and an end opaque mirror. The array geometry satisfies the quasi-optical conditions, while the inclination of mirrors is set in such a way that the array allows us to focus the scattered field in the Frenzel zone and the far zone. The formation of a radiation pattern (RP) close to the specified one, or the provision of maximum radiation in the given region of angular coordinates is achieved by choosing the reflection and transmission coefficients of semitransparent elements of the array. To ensure these requirements, a variational statement of the optimization problem is used. The maximization of corresponding functionals is achieved numerically by the methods of successive approximations. Numerical experiments demonstrate high accuracy in fulfilling the requirements of the radiation characteristics which is also confirmed by experimental data.
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