Scattering and absorption of electromagnetic radiation with cylindrical objects
diffraction, thin wire, absorption, scatteringAbstract
In this paper, there are researched resonance effects occurring when an electromagnetic wave falls on a cylinder. The nature of the effects depends on the ratio between the diameter of the cylinder and the wavelength of the radiation and on the cylinder material. In thick cylinders (D >> λ) without absorption, surface wave resonances occur in the form of peaks regularly following each other on the curve of dependence of scattering on the diameter. The follow-up period is determined by the refractive index. In very thin metal wires (D << λ) the effect of abnormally strong absorption of electromagnetic radiation is observed. The absorption efficiency factor of a metal wire with a diameter of several micrometers in the centimeter range of wavelengths reaches several hundred. Calculations of the distribution of the electromagnetic field inside and outside the wire showed a significant increase in the intensity of the electromagnetic field inside the cylinder at certain ratios between the diameter of the wire and the wavelength of radiation. The trajectories of the Poynting vector flow are distorted, and energy enters the wire from all sides. This effect is non-resonant. Fano resonances occur in thin cylindrical wires with a high refractive index and low absorption. At the same time, for some diameters, the scattering increases, and a very narrow resonant peak appears, while for others, the scattering is very small. The wire becomes invisible at a certain wavelength.
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