Comparative study of block ciphers implementation for resource-constrained devices (review)
lightweight block ciphers, LWC, FPGA, encryption, decryption, cryptographyAbstract
Lightweight cryptography (LWC) is critical for securing data between devices with limited resources. In this paper, we consider hardware-based block ciphers (BC). The BCs are thoroughly described using the substitution permutation network (SPN) and Feistel network (FN) structures. A detailed summary of each SPN and FN-based BC is provided. Furthermore, the paper compares and thoroughly analyses the performance analysis of modern SPN and FN-based BCs. For each block cipher, performance measures such as chip area (slices), frequency, latency, throughput, and hardware efficiency are reviewed. The paper also recommends appropriate ciphers for the greatest and lowest performance indicators. Among BCs, the PRINCE cipher has minimal latency and great throughput. The research also reveals that the LED and PRESENT ciphers are more compact than other ciphers. The open research challenges are also presented with a forward-looking perspective.
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