Computer modeling as instrument for optical locator synthesis
optical locator, computer design systems, computer simulationAbstract
It is proposed a method of generalized computer modeling of optical locators (OL) based on all known methods: amplitude, triangulation, phase and TOF (time of flight), including their dynamic operation in spatial interaction with the object and interference. The method consists of modeling of a number of physical phenomena, which is organized into an algorithm of actions with objects of several computer-aided design (CAD) programs. The effectiveness of intelligent algorithms for processing signals as a main trend to achieve the perfect OL stage is demonstrated. Analysis of the technology for the OL devices synthesis of and its development in retrospect is carried out. The reasons for the growth of computer modeling in the set of tools for current OL design technologies are examined. There is represented the classification and the structured list of methods of computer simulation of OL separate elements. It is described and defined the essence of a new useful tool for analysis of the OL devices operation, which is proposed to call “Generalized PSPICE model of optical location system.” It is described and defined the essence of the method of discrete-time variation of the generalized PSPICE model of the optical location system parameters as a tool of expanding the capabilities of the model. The examples are represented showing the cases where the given model allows to verify the product functionality before its prototyping. The framework algorithm of OL synthesis in form of structured table with illustrated examples of design objects is represented.
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