Adaptive radar tracking algorithm for maneuverable UAV with probabilistic identification of data using coordinate and amplitude characteristics
FMCW radarAbstract
Small-dimension unmanned aerial vehicles (SUAV) as objects of radar surveillance feature extremely small values of the effective radar cross section and the capability to carry out intense maneuvers and to hover staying still in space. A promising direction of increasing the SUAV detection range by radar is the reduction of detection threshold that results in a significant rise of false alarm probability and is accompanied by the emergence of a substantial number of false pips. For enhancing the SUAV tracking efficiency in the presence of false pips, it has been proposed to use decisive statistics (amplitude information) from the output of optimal receiver of primary signal processing. An adaptive algorithm was developed for the radar tracking of maneuverable SUAV with probabilistic identification of data using the coordinate and amplitude characteristics in the rectangular coordinate system. Accuracy characteristics of extrapolation of SUAV movement parameters and the probability of detecting various types of its motion were obtained using statistical simulation. Probabilities of mistracking and the average time of SUAV trajectory tracking were calculated, and compared with the results of using a well-known algorithm.
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