Metal-dielectric nanocomposite structures with definite optical selective properties
In this paper there are represented spectral-selective elements with definite optical characteristics on a basis of metal-dielectric composite structures. There is shown the possibility of controlling of the spectral selectivity of such structures due to modification of structural parameters of nanodimension components and accounting of their electromagnetic properties. The results of electronic microscopic and spectral photometric researches for experimental samples of nanodimensional silver films are discussed. Experimental values of electromagnetic parameters of nanodimensional metal layers are determined. There are specified the characteristics of their spectral dependences. It is carried out comparative analysis of complex permittivity of nanodimensional silver films with correspondent dependences which are specific for a metal microscopic volume. Here it is considered a model of nanostructure composite system response on electromagnetic impact. The mathematic model is based on approximation of effective media and application of phenomenological theory of electromagnetic properties of layer film structure. The value of effective complex permittivity of nanostructure composites with dielectric component on a basis of silicon dioxide and nanodimensional chrome inclusions is defined taking into account experimental values of electromagnetic parameters of nanodimensional components. There are defined the approximation spectral dependences of electromagnetic parameters of complex dielectric permittivity for the composites Cr/SiO2 which are used for simulation and research of nanocomposite layers influence on spectral characteristics of optical selective components.
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