Ground reflections effect mitigation for estimation of meteorological signal spectrum based on adaptive lattice filter
It is considered the procedures of estimation of meteorological formations parameters by the systems of inter period processing of the signals of pulse Doppler weather radars on a background of clutter generated by reflections of the probing signal from ground and sea (water) surface and objects at the earth surface. They are based on estimations of absolute value and phase of auto-correlation spectral density (ASD) of the mixture of the reflections from meteorological formations and clutter. It is shown that procedures using such estimations and Fourier transformation can be implemented with adaptive lattice filters that increases the efficiency of meteorological formations parameters estimation. It is proposed and researched the alternative estimation procedure which is also based on estimation of ASD absolute value and phase but using “high-resolution” Capon algorithm. On a basis of analysis of errors of estimation of meteorological formations reflections spectral moments using learning samples of finite volume it is shown the advantages and drawbacks of proposed estimation procedures. It is shown that among considered procedures it is advisable to use proposed procedure with estimation of the spectral density of input mixture with “super-resolving” Capon algorithms. Generally it satisfies the requirements to estimation errors for different values of parameters of interferences and meteorological formations, especially in dangerous conditions of strong turbulence of meteorological formations. The alternative method to the researched procedures can be the combination of these procedures.
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