Underground coal mine environmental multi-parameter monitoring module with embedded sensors: Application of UHF radio transceiver device
Underground coal mine environmental monitoring is required to ensure and maximize the safe working conditions in mines. For safety monitoring, there is a need to develop an active communication and information network that will be able to detect quickly and efficiently the mine environmental condition and take necessary actions to warn the workers about the environmental condition of the mining area. This can be achieved by the application of long-range wireless communication technology. In the present study, we designed and developed an embedded sensor module to monitor the multiple parameters of environment, including temperature, humidity, methane, carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and coal dust. These multi-parameter monitoring sensors have been interfaced with an Arduino microcontroller. The XBee S8 Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) transceiver device has been used to enable the long-range communication. The specified parameters have been predicted for the safety tenacity in the underground coal mine. A new approach for the calibration process of gas sensors and coal dust sensor has been suggested to acquire desired gas concentrations and dust density in the underground mine air. The computer has been interfaced with the system for environmental multi-parameter monitoring. A successful laboratory trial has been made under the real conditions. In addition, the rangeability of the UHF radio transceiver device and power management of the embedded monitoring module have also been discussed.
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