Analysis of dual-mode resonators from transmission line segments
Three groups of resonance equations for various resonators on transmission lines (TL) with lumped elements are proposed. They are based on a two-port network parameters. Using these equations, it is established that a third of all resonant frequencies in the known dual-mode stub resonators analyzed using even and odd modes, were not previously taken into account. The proposed equations made it possible to design two new dual-mode resonators from TL segments with all short-circuited ends, which are practically useful. It is shown that the widely used method of even-odd modes cannot be used to describe the properties of new resonators. In the same time, these proposed resonance equations describe new properties of some dual-mode resonators. In particular, dual-mode resonators with a quarter-wave stub, in addition to dual-mode oscillations, also have single-mode oscillations. These two types of oscillations alternate with each other. In contrast, only dual-mode oscillations exist in short-stub resonators. Theoretical results are confirmed by EM simulation.
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