Comparative experimental investigations of adaptive and non-adaptive MTI systems in pulse radars of various applications and wave ranges
The article is devoted to a comparative analysis of the results of experimental studies of an adaptive MTI system (moving target indication) based on adaptive lattice filter (ALF) and standard non-adaptive MTI systems of working pulse radars of various applications and wave ranges. This analysis is performed using the seminatural experiment method based on digital recordings of real clutter. Adaptive antijamming systems promptly extract the necessary information about the parameters and characteristics of the interference directly from the input signals, track changes in these characteristics and promptly change their parameters (and, if necessary, the structure) based on the results of the corresponding processing of samples of the received interference of finite volume. It has been shown that the adaptive ALF-based MTI system provides significant gains in the effectiveness of radar protection from clutter as compared with non-adaptive standard systems of working radars and the stable tracking of air targets in the area of intense clutter, while target drop-outs are observed at the output of standard non-adaptive MTI systems.
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