Orthogonal CCSK based on complementary code sequences





Cyclic Code Shift Keying, CCSK, MOS, LPI, LPD, TDCS, JTIDS


There are considered the aspects of application of modulation technique called Cyclic Code Shift Keying (CCSK) and signals processing in different communication applications, such as LPI, satellite navigation, deep space communication, TDCS technique, IoT networks, etc. On a basis of selection of principally new (“complementary”) basis function we state and solve the problem of development of modulation/demodulation technique combining processing simplicity, which is specific for the signals with cyclic structure, noise immunity, specific to orthogonal systems. The estimation of computational cost gain in compare to known orthogonal modulation method and noise immunity gain regarding traditional CCSK allows to define limitary technical parameters where obtained results are advisable to be used. A length of “spectrum spreading” sequences in this case is from N = 64 to N = 1024 covering whole range of practically valuable values. Obtained results allow to essentially extend the term of autonomous operation of low-power devices of the internet of things, increase of energy budget of radiolines in deep space communication systems, make possible the reception of the signals with ultra wide basis in communication systems with increased requirements to energy and structural security.


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Functioning structure of DSP





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