Circularly polarized hexa-band planar slot antenna for WLAN and wireless communication application
Hexa-band Antenna, Circular polarized, Monopole Antenna, Slot AntennaAbstract
Herein the modest, miniaturized circularly polarized hexa-band monopole antenna is anticipated for multipurpose application. Using microstrip line feeding the monopole antenna is created by utilizing triple strips, a slotted square loop containing square ground plane and two slotted stubs transversely over the diagonal line on the square loop. The optimization of antenna design parameters is furnished four wide impedance bandwidths (IBW). The measured quad IBW at S11 < –10 dB ranges 4.04–6.61, 7.70–7.81, 10.36–18.93, and 19.57–beyond 20 GHz (after 20 GHz, utilizing the available VNA can not be measured IBW). Whereas the simulated IBWs range 4.21–6.23, 8.55–8.85, 10.32–17.25, and 19.20–beyond 30 GHz. The simulated six axial-ratio bandwidths are of 380, 205, 360, 553, 907 and 290 MHz at the center frequencies fCP = 5.12, 10.78, 11.97, 14.63, 16.85, 28.58 GHz, correspondingly. The measured results match with the simulations by Ansys Electronics Desktop 2020R1 that are additionally confirmed in CST Microwave Studio. The antenna, presented in this paper, is compact, fabricated with the optimal dimension of 20ґ20ґ1.6 mm3, with 38.49% reduction in size. The proposed antenna can be appropriate for application in WLAN and some other wireless communication devices.
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