Channel capacity analysis of various adaptive transmission schemes and BER performance at Beaulieu-Xie fading
Adaptive transmission, Bit error rate, Channel capacity, probability density function, Beaulieu-Xie fading model.Abstract
Optimization of spectral efficiency and quality of service can attain functional channel capacity for a wireless communication system. The channel capacity analysis over a fading channel is essential for realizing this goal. A recently developed model called Beaulieu–Xie fading channel model acquires the flavors of flexibility from Nakagami-m fading parameters and the non-centralized chi-distribution of the Rician fading model, which characterizes both line of sight and non-line of sight channels. The current work presents the channel capacity analysis with adaptive transmission techniques over Beaulieu–Xie fading channels. Various adaptive transmission schemes, such as channel inversion with a fixed-rate, truncated channel inversion with a fixed-rate, and optimal rate adaptation, are evaluated for the Beaulieu–Xie fading channel model. Additionally, the performance of the wireless system in terms of the bit error rate of coherent and non-coherent modulation is derived mathematically for this fading channel. Lastly, the mathematical expressions derived are verified with the help of Monte–Carlo simulation or standard results available in the literature.
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