Selection of number of compensatory channels and placement of receivers with non-identical frequency response at phased-array radar under Gaussian noise jamming
Gaussian noise jamming, phased antenna array, number of compensation channelsAbstract
This paper is devoted to the analysis of the potential efficiency of optimal spatial signal processing and the real efficiency of adaptive spatial signal processing on the basis of adaptive lattice filter for the protection of airspace control radar with phased antenna array (PAA) against the Gaussian noise jamming. There are considered the non-identical amplitude frequency characteristics (AFC) and phase frequency characteristics (PFC) of receivers installed at the outputs of antenna elements of the active PAA, modules (subarrays) of passive PAA, and also dedicated main and compensation channels. Based on this analysis, practical recommendations were formulated aimed at choosing the quantity of compensation channels and the placement of receivers with non-identical AFC and PFC for the effective protection of PAA radars against noise jamming. It has been shown that the installing of receivers at the outputs of elements or subarrays involves the need to ensure a high degree of identity of their AFC and PFC. It is more preferable to install receivers at the outputs of the dedicated main and compensation channels while increasing the quantity of compensation channels by a factor of 2–3 as compared to their quantity in case of identical channels.
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