Resistance of a film resistor with a slit of finite width


  • V. D. Sadkov R. Ye. Alekseev Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University, Russian Federation
  • D. E. Orlov



Film resistors with an infinitesimally thin correcting slit were calculated in [1, 2]. We will take into account the finite width of a slit (Fig. 1) by the method of conformal mapping [3]. It is more convenient to solve the problem with inversion of the boundary conditions - transfer of contacts from sections M1N1 and M6N5 of the film to sections M1M2M3-M4M5M6 and N1N5 (the resistance of the investigated Rinvs and inverted Rinvr resistors are associated by the relation: sqrt(RinvsRinvr) = [rho], where [rho] is the resistivity of the resistive film…


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