Analysis of multiphase switched-capacitor networks using the node method


  • T. V. Kuklev Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information Theory of the Lenin Higher Machine-Electrical Engineering Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • B. D. Donevski Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information Theory of the Lenin Higher Machine-Electrical Engineering Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria



Switched-capacitor networks (SC networks) deserve attention, since they provide an optimum method for implementing precision filters in a monolithic integrated circuit. Classical SC networks contain capacitors and two- phase switches (see [1–4]). In certain applications it is preferable to use multiphase networks (see [5]), but the methods for analyzing them are complex (see [1]).

The present paper proposes a comparatively simple method for the mathematical description of multiphase SC networks. It is a generalization of the method of analysis developed in [2]. Moreover, the present work emphasizes the fact that SC networks belong to a more general class of discrete time-varying networks.


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