Waveguide-coaxial gyromagnetic filters
The construction of gyromagnetic filters with waveguide outputs has a number of specific features compared with filters having coaxial outputs. To ensure that there is a sufficient level of decoupling between the inputs of the filter it is necessary to use, as a minimum, two gyromagnetic resonators. The waveguide constructions using crossed orthogonal waveguides in which both gyromagnetic resonators (GR) are situated on the axis of the magnetic system parallel to the direction of the constant magnetic field H0 enables one to obtain sufficiently high decoupling between the inputs, but the gap between the poles of the magnetic system in existing constructions is not less than 2.5-3 mm.References
ILCHENKO, M.Y.; ZHIVKOV, A.P. Patent SU 1195401, 30 Nov. 1985. Bull. Izobr., n.44, 1985.
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HELZAIN, J. Passive and Active Microwave Circuits [in Russian]. Moscow: Radio i Svyaz, 1981.
ILCHENKO, M.Y.; KUDINOV, E.V. Microwave Ferrite and Dielectric Resonators [in Russian]. Kiev: Izd. KGU, 1973.
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