Calculation of the frequency spectrum of the natural oscillations of a screened dielectric resonator


  • S. V. Zaitsev



The wide application of metal-dielectric resonators (MDR) in microwave techniques is due to their relatively small dimensions, good compatibility with other circuit components, etc. [1-3]. The trend towards increasing the Q of the resonance has given rise to the need to use oscillations with high indices as the operating oscillations, and to find optimum relations for the dimensions and the permittivities. In the centimeter band this usually leads to structures in which resonance occurs as a result of rereflection, not of one wave in the region of the dielectric element with maximum transmission, but of several waves of different modes in different regions of the resonator. All this leads to the need to construct accurate algorithms to describe metal-dielectric resonators and makes it inadvisable to use approximate formulas obtained using models with magnetic walls bounding the resonating element of volume.


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