Noise characteristics of an adaptive parametric microwave attenuator
It is shown in [1] that low-noise parametric microwave attenuators can be connected at the input of radio receivers to extend the dynamic range. One of the main characteristics of such devices which must be taken into account is their noise characteristics, which in the final analysis determines the sensitivity and lower limit of the dynamic range of the radio receiver channel as a whole.References
SINEOK, V.I.; BRIL, V.M. Extension of the dynamic range of a receiver using a low-noise parametric attenuator. Radioelectron. Commun. Syst. (English translation of Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii Radioelektronika), n.4, p.92-94, 1984.
BOBROV, N.I. Microwave Parametric Amplifiers and Converters [in Russian]. Kiev: Tekhnika, 1969.
ETKIN, V.S.; BERLIN, A.S.; BOBROV, P.P.; ET AL. Microwave Semiconductor Parametric Amplifiers and Converters [in Russian]. Moscow: Radio i Svyaz, 1983.
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