Internet communication system protocol based on wireless sensor
LEACH, wireless sensor, communication protocol, Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy, node, energy savingAbstract
Communication protocol is a difficult point in wireless sensor network (WSN). Based on the Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) Protocol this study strove to achieve an energy saving and efficient communication protocol. Firstly, the LEACH protocol is introduced, and its shortcomings are identified. Then, based on LEACH, the definition of boundary nodes is used to maintain the balance of the number of nodes for reducing the energy consumption and extending the network life. Owing to the experimental comparison, it was found that the improved energy saving LEACH protocol had a dead node after running for 9000 s and the network life cycle was more than that of LEACH, reaching about 15000 s. The node load was smaller, and the data volume sent by the node reached 45000. The energy consumption in the operation process is always less than that of LEACH, which proves the reliability of the improved method in this study. The improved LEACH communication protocol provides some theoretical support for energy saving and efficient transmission in WSN, which is beneficial to further development and application of WSN.References
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