Sub-Nyquist sampling and parameters estimation of wideband LFM signals based on FRFT
compressive sampling, fractional Fourier transform, linear frequency modulation, LFM signal, parameters estimationAbstract
Last years, most sub-Nyquist sampling and parameters estimation methods for linear frequency modulated (LFM) signals are based on compressed sensing (CS) theory. However, nearly all CS reconstruction algorithms are with high computational complexity and difficult to be implemented in hardware. In this paper, a novel framework of sub-Nyquist sampling and low-complexity parameters estimation for LFM signals is proposed. The incoherent sampling in CS theory is introduced into the construction of sub-Nyquist sampling system, but no CS reconstruction algorithm is employed in the estimation of parameters. Based on the energy aggregation of LFM signals in the proper fractional Fourier transform (FRFT) domain, the chirp rate and center frequency can be estimated by linear operations. Accordingly, the proposed estimation method is easily realized compared with existing estimation methods based on CS. Simulation results verify its effectiveness and accuracy.References
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