Improved VBLAST MAP: A novel point-to-point symbol detection algorithm for MIMO wireless communication systems
multiple input multiple output, MIMO, minimum mean square error, MMSE, vertical Bell laboratories layered space-time maximum a posteriori probabilities, VBLAST MAP, improved VBLASTAbstract
A novel point-to-point symbol detection algorithm in multiple input multiple output (MIMO) system is proposed. This algorithm is an augmentation of two popular algorithms, namely, vertical Bell laboratories layered space-time (VBLAST) and maximum a posteriori probability (MAP). Here, layers are distinguished or ordered based on the a posteriori probabilities of output symbols and not on signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). For each layer, a set of a posteriori probabilities is computed for all output symbols using all possible signal constellations. The layer corresponding to the output symbol having minimum a posteriori probability is selected first from the set of a posteriori probabilities for detection by doing the comprehensive search over all the possible signal constellations. Then, the remaining layers are detected by the conventional VBLAST MAP technique. The relationship of MIMO symbol error rate (MIMO SER) versus MIMO symbol SNR is presented using simulations for 16x16 MIMO systems and 16-QAM constellation. The results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms conventional VBLAST MAP and improved VBLAST algorithms.References
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