Analyzing the impact of augmented transistor NMOS configuration on parameters of 4x1 multiplexer
static threshold augmented transistor NMOS, ST-ATNMOS, augmented shorted Gate-Source PMOS transistor with NMOS, ASG-S PMOS-NMOS, leakage power, delayAbstract
This paper represents the power and delay analysis of 4x1 multiplexer based on Augmented Transistor NMOS (AT-NMOS) configurations. Transistor’s total channel width at multiple levels are considered to determine the leakage power and delay performance at 45 nm technology. It is evaluated that the performance parameter is improved in the proposed design based on Augmented Shorted Gate-Source PMOS with NMOS (ASG-S PMOS-NMOS) configuration as compared to the 4x1 multiplexer based on Static Threshold AT-NMOS (ST-ATNMOS) configuration. Using this combination, we obtain the desired performance parameters of the design. In this paper, two types of 4x1 multiplexer models are introduced. It is shown that the leakage power can be largely reduced. The delay performance is also improved up to 5% at 1 V power supply under consideration of multiple levels of transistor’s channel width due to evaluation of different AT-NMOS configurations based 4x1 multiplexer models. The simulation work has been carried out using the Cadence Analog Virtuoso Spectre Simulator at 45 nm CMOS technology.References
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