Non-linear effects in configurable antenna
configurable antenna, electrodynamic structure switch, MEMS, voltage-capacity characteristics, signal distortionAbstract
Current-technology different data transmission standards communication systems are commonly built with application of configurable antennas. Non-linear components including in radiating structure of antenna allows to expand the antenna functionability (operating frequency change, modification of the radiation pattern, change of polarization, input impedance, etc.), but also it can result in non-linear effects appear that distort antenna characteristics and transmitted data. In this connection in this paper there are considered actual problems such as methods of numerical analysis of non-linear effects in configurable antennas, specificities of switching components used in antennas, numerical research of influence of voltage-capacity characteristics of radiating structure switch and excitation power on antenna characteristics. Carried out estimated researches allow to obtain general representations and predict nonlinear distortions in configurable antennas caused by used different types switches.References
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