Thin stripline bandpass filters for the centimeter band
array-type filter, comb filter, strip-line design, stepped-impedance resonator, electromagnetic coupling factor, passband, attenuation poleAbstract
This article considers the design of thin stripline (1 mm) bandpass filters in the centimeter band, which contain dielectrics with different relative permittivity εr. This includes the choice of the resonators, the dielectric material, the preliminary assessment of resonators’ unloaded quality factors and taking into account the features of the frequency response curve of the filter. It was found, that the passband width of the thin comb filters with λ/4 resonators and array-type filters with λ/2 resonators cannot exceed 6% for any values of εr and the length of resonators of at least 2 mm. The array-type filters with resonators of half-wave type and with alternating signs of the coupling factors between resonators were proposed. Under certain additional conditions, the attenuation poles appear in such filters, resulting in improved selectivity. The results of computer modelling of the frequency response curve of thin filters of cm band are presented. They are compared to the frequency response of other filters. The data obtained from computer modelling showed good correspondence with the experimental data.References
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