Hybrid electromagnetic-spin oscillations in the ferrite-dielectric structure with single-crystal hexaferrite in domain region
single-crystal hexaferrite, hybrid electromagnetic-spin oscillations, composite ferrite-dielectric structure, frequency-field relationship, domain structureAbstract
Hybrid electromagnetic-spin oscillations in ferrite-dielectric structure consisting of a single-crystal BaFe12O19 platelet and a dielectric disk-shaped resonator in multidomain state of ferrite have been investigated by experiment. Experiments were conducted with different types of domain structures, and the frequency-field spectra were measured at tangent magnetization. It was shown that the effective hybridization of electromagnetic and magnetostatic modes in such resonator could implement such excitation regime, where one electromagnetic mode of dielectric resonator is split into three hybrid quasi-electromagnetic oscillations even in the absence of external magnetizing fields.References
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