Substantiation of requirements to the wavelength of radar monitoring for hydrometeorological purposes
radar monitoring of the atmosphere, wavelengths, attenuation, radar fieldAbstract
Analysis of electromagnetic waves propagation of various wavelengths in the cloudy and cloudless atmosphere is presented. Attenuation of 0.8, 3.2, 5.6 and 10.0 cm radio waves in the clouds of various forms, different water content and temperatures is demonstrated. Based on the frequence and intensity of the hazards, zoning of Ukraine territory has been carried out. We have performed the substantiation of utilization of 0.8, 5.6, and 10.0 cm wavelengths for radar sounding of the atmosphere in the context of the climate and synoptic monitoring. The recommendations are given on the placement of radar stations of different frequency bands in order to meet the needs for information product of the civil and departmental aviation.References
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