Design of compact bandpass filter for WiMAX and UWB application using asymmetric SIRs and DGS
FBW, DGS, MMFD, UWB, BPF, WiMAX, SIR, asymmetric SIRAbstract
This paper considers a novel compact tri-band microstrip bandpass filter, the design of which employs asymmetric SIRs and DGS for achieving the characteristics of low insertion loss, high selectivity, wider range of bandwidth, and low group delay for 2.5/3.4 GHz (WiMAX) and 4.14–5.32 GHz (UWB) bands. The novel filter design implies the intentional selection of impedance ratio R and the length of the microstrip of asymmetric SIRs; in addition, DGS is used to improve the coupling strength of the last band. The scattering parameters of the three passbands have the following values: insertion losses S21 are –0.26/–0.07/–0.05 dB, and return losses S11 are –11.29/–19.25/–22.64 dB, respectively. The response of the filter was simulated using Ansoft HFSS simulator.References
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