Study on the dual-orthogonal polarized MIMO wideband satellite mobile channel based on a 4-state LMS model
LMS, MIMO, dual-orthogonal polarized antenna, DPA, channel model, Markov chainAbstract
This paper focused on establishing a MIMO wideband land mobile satellite (LMS) channel statistics model. The particularity of this channel modeling was its wideband characteristics and the DPAs structure. Based on the Loo and Fontan model, a 4-state wideband LMS model was analyzed by combination of a Markov chain and properties of the wideband channel including its multipath excess delay and temporal-correlation performance. The paper also studied the effects of DPAs on channel modeling including the Cross Polarization Discrimination (XPD) and Cross Polarization Coupling (XPC). Through detailed analysis of the 4-state wideband LMS model and the effects of DPAs on channel modeling above, a typical dual-orthogonal polarized MIMO wideband satellite mobile channel model could be built. According to the modeling steps, channel time-series can be generated to assist further analysis of the system performance and evaluation of new technologies.References
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