Planar tri-band frequency selective surface with transmission in S-band and reflection in Ka/Ku-band
tri-band FSS, low-profile strucrure, angular stability, polarization stability, fractional bandwidth, satellite communicationAbstract
In this paper a novel low-profile single-layer tri-band frequency selective surface (FSS) unit-cell, which consists of dual concentric modified circular ring, is analyzed and simulated. It can be utilized in the satellite communication systems and electromagnetic shielding applications. The proposed structure has been developed using the modifications in the concentric circular rings FSS in order to obtain the significant percentage of fractional bandwidth and stable frequency response for the perpendicular (TE) and parallel (TM) polarized waves for incidence angles up to 50°. We have also compared the polarization and angular stability performance of the proposed FSS structure with that of the another reported in the literature.
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