Dual-band devices based on coupled-stripline section with cross-symmetrical loads
coupled transmission lines, even-odd excitation of symmetrical two-port network, input impedance, dual-band operation mode, dual-band fixed phase shifter, dual-band impedance transformer, dual-band bandpass filterAbstract
An equivalent representation of a circuit formed by coupled lines section with cross-symmetrical loads and additional reactive elements is suggested in the form of partial one-port networks with in-phase or antiphase excitation. Analytical relations for the electrical parameters calculation of elements of the circuit, which enables one to implement devices with dual-band operation mode, have been obtained based on the input impedances of these one-port networks. The examples of application of relations obtained for the simulation of dual-band phase shifters with fixed phase difference, impedance transformers and bandpass filters are provided. The simulation results are confirmed by experimental investigations of these devices.
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