Loop plasma and metallic antennas for mobile entities
plasma antennaAbstract
A method of estimating the specific conductivity and dielectric relative dielectric permittivity of plasma antennas with mercury admixture has been proposed and investigated in two different microwave ranges. Based on the obtained data of specific conductivity and relative dielectric permittivity the radiotechnical parameters (VSWR and the efficiency) were computed via simulation and calculation of antennas in the FEKO software environment using the integral equation method and the method of moments with or without due regard for the impact of mercury admixture. For comparison plasma and metallic antennas the characteristics of similar metallic antennas were also considered. A significant difference of the above characteristics was noted. The comparison of the calculation results of VSWR of plasma antennas with experimental data revealed their acceptable agreement. This is the evidence of an adequate approach to specifying the initial data in terms of the plasma parameters and the correct computer simulation of plasma antennas in the microwave range. The radiotechnical characteristics of an L-shaped loop plasma antenna bent for the purpose of reducing the aerodynamic resistance in case of mounting antenna at mobile entities were also investigated. It is recommended to reduce the amount of mercury introduced into plasma antennas for improving the ecological situation. The method proposed can be used for taking into account the impact of other admixtures introduced into plasma antennas.References
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