Dynamics of autodyne response formation in microwave generators
autodyne oscillator, autodyne, autodyne response, radio-pulse oscillator, distortion parameter, step method, reflected radiation, short-range radarAbstract
The paper presents results of studying the dynamics of autodyne response formation when switching on a radio-pulse microwave generator which is subject to the influence of its own reflection radiation. Basic relations for a step-wise calculation of autodyne response as a function of time delay, autodyne response time constant, distortion parameter and intrinsic parameters of the self-oscillating system are obtained. Calculation and analysis of peculiarities of autodyne signal generation by radio-pulse oscillator are conducted for the cases of motionless and moving reflecting object under relatively low, medium and high inertia properties of the oscillator if compared to the propagation time of the reflected radiation. Experimental research results that confirm conclusions of theoretical analysis are obtained for a common hybrid-integrated autodyne TIGEL-08 module of the 8-mm frequency-range implemented on a planar two-meza Gunn diodes and the same module stabilized by the external high-Q resonator.
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