Approximate calculation of eigenfrequencies of biconical microwave cavities


  • Oleg O. Drobakhin Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Ukraine
  • P. I. Zabolotnyy Institute of Technical Mechanics, NASU & NSAU, Ukraine
  • Ye. N. Privalov Institute of Technical Mechanics, NASU & NSAU, Ukraine



Simplified expressions are obtained for the calculation of the eigenfrequencies of a biconical cavity with large apex angles with the use of two symmetrical points at the boundaries of overlapping partial regions in the form of a spherical sector. Using these expressions, the dependence of the cavity eigenfrequencies on the apex angles of the conical elements is studied, and the results are compared with those obtained by the classical finite-element method. The applicability range of the simplified expressions is identified, and recommendations on their use are given.


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