Novel wideband circular polarization antenna with quasi-hemispheric radiation pattern and low level of cross-polarization
turnstile antenna, turnstile antenna with spiral-twisted vibrators, bulk cruciform reflector, circular polarization, hemisphere radiation pattern, cross-polarizationAbstract
A novel type of circular polarization radiator in the form of a turnstile antenna with spiral-twisted vibrators and bulk cruciform reflector is suggested. Numerical simulation results of the antenna’s characteristics conducted using the author-developed crystal_CR software application, which implements the calculation method invented by the authors, are presented. The obtained radiation characteristics are confirmed by calculations in Ansoft HFSS 9.1 software. Due to optimization of vibrator and reflector geometry the main polarization radiation pattern whose shape is close to hemisphere with cross-polarization level below –27 dB in any direction in the front semi-space is achieved.
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