Microstrip resonators with extended range of capacitive tuning
tunable microstrip resonator, step–impedance resonator, ferroelectric capacitor, varicap, funing rangeAbstract
The analysis of different step-impedance microstrip resonators with extended range of the capacitive frequency tuning has been performed. The specified resonators are capable of operating in a wide wave range, including the meter and centimeter radio waves. The resonance equations were obtained and the problem of separating the oscillation modes was considered, and distinctive features of these resonators were established. Recommendations are made regarding the use of the specified resonators at different frequencies (VHF-band, K-band). It is shown that the use of step-impedance resonators and ferroelectric capacitors having the relative variation of capacitance Cmax/Cmin = 2.2 in the frequency range of 20 GHz and higher makes it possible to achieve the tuning bandwidth as large as 28%.
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