Application of multi-layer structures of wafer-type made of composite materials for creating microwave antenna radomes
radome microwave antennas, radome wall multilayer construction, symmetrical, nonsymmetrical wall structures, wafer-type construction, wafer structure, level of radio transparency, diffraction loss, synthesis multiple dielectric slab structuresAbstract
A new type of microwave antenna radome structure for aircrafts is suggested, which is a waffle radomes that possess improved characteristics if compared to traditional structures. Design peculiarities of such radome walls, waffle structures and their load-bearing elements made of dielectric composite materials are considered. A calculation model for such structures is justified and a methodology of selecting reasonable layer parameters according to radome’s level of radiolucency. A comparison of radio engineering characteristics of waffle and traditional three-layer structures of radome’s walls in a wide range of electromagnetic waves’ incidence angles in presence of mass limitations is conducted.
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