A method for controlling polarization structure of a field generated by a spiral cone antenna
A method of controlling polarization structure of radiation, allowing to decrease the losses due to the mismatch in antennas polarization by 3 dB, is suggested on the example of a four-turn spiral antenna. The experimental research results of a switching device allowing to realize the necessary amplitude-phase excitation of each spiral turn within the radiator are presented.
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O. A. Yurtsev, A. V. Runov, and A. N. Kazarin, Spiral Antennas (Sov. Radio, Moscow, 1974) [in Russian].
M. B. Protsenko and A. V. Lukyanchikov, “Broadband antenna with controlled radiation polarization,” in Materials of 15th International Crimea Conference, UHF Devices and Telecommunication Technologies, September 12–16, Sevastopol, Ukraine, 2005 (Sevastopol, 2005), pp. 388–389.