Mathematical model of the aircraft optimal control under conditions of counteracting to a multiposition complex information-search system using the maximum undetection probability criterion


  • A. A. Strotsev Rostov-on-Don Military Institute of the Rocket Troops, Russian Federation
  • I. V. Shcherban' Rostov-on-Don Military Institute of the Rocket Troops, Russian Federation
  • S. A. Funtikov Rostov-on-Don Military Institute of the Rocket Troops, Russian Federation
  • V. A. Bertenev Rostov-on-Don Military Institute of the Rocket Troops, Russian Federation



Mathematical model of the aircraft optimal control ensuring the probability maximization of its undetection by a group of measuring and search points forming part of a multiposition complex information-search system was obtained. To solve the problem, a model of search efforts specification was used where the control of each measuring and search terminal was assumed to be known.


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